Volunteer at Spay Neuter Veterinary Clinic of the Sandhills
The Spay Neuter Veterinary Clinic of the Sandhills is always looking for individuals to help out at the clinic. See below to learn more about what our volunteering duties entail. And thank you for considering to help us, we appreciate you.
Volunteer Duties
- Recover animals as they come out of surgery. You are our eyes in the animal wards. If you notice anything concerning, PLEASE let someone know.
- Clean the kennels while the dogs are in surgery so they have a clean environment to wake up in.
- Switch over washers and dryers laundry loads and fold laundry
- RESTOCKING – Always needs to be done!
- Put more towels in prep area: blue towels for cleaning, hand towels for bladders, bath towels on top of prep kennels
- Unwrap and label syringes – Fill the clear plastic drawers!
- Draw up rabies vaccines
- Fill Carprofen pill bottles
- Unfold newspaper for the dog room
- Scrub instruments
- Scrub, rinse and hang endotracheal tubes to dry
- Fill Ziploc bags with rabies tags
- Label admin forms as “dog” or “cat”
- Put charts together up front